Awakening the heart of feminine leadership

Next Circle Beginning Winter 2018.

An Invitation for

Conscious Women Entrepreneurs

& Change Leaders

Come home to your feminine wisdom and discover your true power to make a difference.

There’s something beautiful waking up in us as women. Perhaps you can feel it too.

It’s like a precious seed of potential that each of us carry, that’s yearning to come into full blossom and create a future that brings new possibilities for our lives, our children and our planet.

It’s in our DNA as women. We’re the carriers and nurturers of life and it’s time for us to recognise and share the deep feminine wisdom that’s stirring in our bones.

We’re waking up to our Soul’s desire to contribute, to return our unique gifts in grounded ways that nourish our well-being and honour our innate feminine strengths.

Life is inviting us to lead. Not the old way, but with a new more feminine and sustainable path of leadership. It’s the path where we let our hearts sit in the driving seat and our Souls get nourished along the way.

It’s the path where our contribution becomes a radiant expression of who we really are.

Our radiant expression is our natural healing gift. It’s the light we came here to share. It’s what the world needs in order to balance and evolve. It’s our true leadership calling.

   But when we receive the invitation to lead,

   it’s never straightforward.

Because it also comes with an invitation to face into our deepest fear and transform who we think we are and what we think we’re capable of.

So naturally, we meet our resistance…

We want our authentic voices to be heard and yet the thought of being visible in our truth brings up fear, shame and relentless self doubt.

Who am I to be this, do this, teach this, say this?

We want to work in a more feminine, balanced way, yet we get caught in the old patterns of over-doing and over-giving, and lose touch with the inner wisdom and nourishment needed to guide and sustain us along the way.

We hold back and sink into the myth that we’re not ready, not good enough smart enough, worthy enough, slim enough, pretty enough!

You name it we’re not enough!

So we get stopped and we back off, we hide, we turn to the path of ‘no obstacles’, distract ourselves, convince ourselves we’re not ready, or dumb our message down. We find another workshop, training or qualification to counter our unconscious feelings of unworthiness in the hope that soon we’ll be ready.

In short, we turn away from ourselves, and disconnect from the innate Source of feminine wisdom and power that allows us to feel truly alive!

But what if this place of fear, doubt or confusion is where the real magic happens?

… right in this sacred place of resistance, where the feminine wisdom of your Soul meets your confident masculine power to manifest in this world?

What If…

… all the challenges, breakdowns, confusion and fear you’ve been experiencing, are ways your feminine wisdom is waking you up and showing you the doorway to your true leadership?

… that precious seed of creative inspiration waking in your heart, is your Soul guiding you to the wisdom and power you already have, to live your true calling?

What if… instead of letting the infertile conditions of your past keep you small, you watered that sacred seed and found a safe, nourishing container for you to flourish in full blossom?

Welcome To

“And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful that the risk it took to blossom”

Anais Nin

I’d love you to join me and an intimate Circle of like-hearted women for a transformational journey to nourish and empower the wise, feminine leader that’s waking up within you.

The Wisdom Quest is more than an online programme. It’s a nurturing community of Awakening Feminine Leaders who are taking the risk to live their calling and discovering together, what it really means to lead with feminine wisdom.

The Circle is a dual path. It won’t just guide you on an outer journey to share your unique gift. It will bring you home to yourSelf – to the warm inner fire of your feminine wisdom, to discover more of who you are and what you’re here for.

You won’t get a fixed set of rules or steps to get you to ‘point B’. But you will receive a Circular map of wholeness with nature-based principles, practices & rituals to guide you in your unfolding journey of re-discovery, reSourcing and re-alignment with your authentic power.

Above all, you’ll receive a Circle of Sisters and a safely held, nurturing space where you can show up as you are, be witnessed with love and receive the mutual support and encouragement you’ve been looking for.

Through the power of Circle, we create a beautiful, sacred space where you can:

Be Nurtured. Be held in a warm container of appreciation for where and how you are on your journey. Receive the intimate witnessing, love, encouragement and support you need to feel reSourced, so you can move into graceful flow and bring your gift more fully into life.

Be True. Come home to your essential Self and reclaim your inner Sovereignty. Strengthen trust in your authentic expression and the guidance of your Soul’s innate feminine wisdom and power.

Be Clear. Re-align with your Soul’s purpose. Unravel the confusion about what you most deeply desire to create in the world, what holds you back and discover a more feminine and sustainable pathway to navigate the journey of transformation.

Be Courageous.  Listen to the intuitive knowing of your heart. Embody the deep confidence to follow the guidance of your heart, trust in your unique contribution as a feminine leader and take courageous, inspired action.

The Wisdom Quest is a nourishing container of guidance, inspiration, feedback and support, for the brave, wise-woman in your Soul, who knows it’s time to receive more love and reSourcing, so she can move beyond resistance and turn her wisdom into inspired action.

That wisdom is not in your business, your qualifications, relationships, your guru or any role you play.

The wisdom is within you. It’s in your true nature as a woman and the authentic power that’s already present at the heart of who you are.

That’s why this feminine pathway will not teach you a linear set of steps to deliver a specific result.

It will take you on an unfolding circular quest, through creative inquiry, to tap into the innate feminine wisdom and guidance that is already present within you.

Through a map that I call The Wisdom Circle, you’ll be guided in a quest through the 8 Essential Doorways that represent pathways to your authentic power and discover how they relate to you and your journey.

These founding principles of wholeness are rooted in ancient nature-based wisdom teachings originating from Mayan times.

I was privileged to train with some beautiful teachers of this Earth Wisdom for over 10 years. Since then I have integrated my own experience with other transformative practices and evolutionary teachings, as well as the learning gained through my work with hundreds of women leaders and conscious entrepreneurs. The synthesis of this is The Wisdom Circle, a unique design of ‘Soul Medicine’ for contemporary women.

This circlular journey will guide you to discover and re-claim your Feminine Sovereignty and step forward authentically with your unique gift, whatever that looks like.

The Wisdom Circle

The 8 Essential Doorways

The Wisdom Quest is a ‘Heroine’s journey’, centered in the archetypal power of the Circle as a sacred container for transformation and a safe space to be witnessed and affirmed in your truth, so you can practice new ways of being and leading in your life.

An invitation from Joeyjoey_200circle

Hello Wise Sister,

I’m touched that you’re considering joining me for The Wisdom Quest. 

There’s never been a greater need for us to step forward and play our part in bringing our feminine wisdom into a world that sorely needs it. But in order for us to step forward, we first need to step back, so we can listen to our Soul’s deeper call for reconnection with ourselves and re-alignment in our own lives. 

That’s why I’ve created the Wisdom Quest. Because we need to reSource ourselves so we can share our gifts from a place of clarity, authenticity and overflow. It’s the container that is really needed if we are to muster the courage and commitment needed to walk a path of integrity with care for ourselves and the world we want to create.

This Circle work is the culmination of many years of toil, truimph and deep personal work. I know very well from my own journey, that forging a new pathway for our lives and life-work isn’t easy to do alone. We’re not meant to.  

That’s why I want to invite you to join us in this powerful space of reconnection, reSourcing and realignment; to receive what you need, share your wisdom with others and help us co-create this emerging community of Awakening Feminine Leaders…

… so none of us have to do it alone.

If you’d like to find out more about the Circle journey beginning in Winter 2018, please contact me by email and tell me a little more about you and what is calling you to the Circle.

With love and courage,


“This Circle gave me real sustenance, a more intimate connection with others and Life, and all the guidance I needed to make sense of my leadership journey. There is so much love, vulnerability and integrity in these circles, that one can’t help but take that power out into the world.”  Sarah Stout

© Dancehammer Group Ltd 2016